Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hump Day Hottie

So it's been a long time since I posted a Hump Day Hottie and technically it's Thurs but I haven't gone to bed yet so it's still Wed for me. I'm on the Ashton Kutcher bandwagon these days with all the hype on Twitter etc...but it's just so cool the way the internet has evolved and the messages and good ideas it sends.

I've been a fan of Ashton since day one on That 70s Show before anyone knew who he was. I may not agree with or follow his beliefs and religion but I do believe he is doing good and raising awareness via Twitter. More power to you Ashton and he's still hot!!!


Lois aka katesmum said...

I'm definately in agreement with you Brenna... he is a hottie for sure!!

bcgal00 Rae said...

I forgot that you used to do Hump Day Hottie before. I think you should keep it up LOL AK isn't my first choice for hottie but he's not bad on the eyes!